What Does It Mean To Be A Proverbs 31 Wife?

We are all too familiar with the Christian call for women to be a “Proverbs 31 Wife.” But what exactly does that mean? Well, most today assume it means to be a traditional stay at home mom, a house wife. Being a housewife is a 24/7 job full of rewards, but that “traditional” notion is actually a 1950’s concept. Continue reading What Does It Mean To Be A Proverbs 31 Wife?

The Rings In Progress Sticky post

Survey of the Historical Evolution of Weddings and Invitation Lettering

Updated: I made some corrections, fixed the typos (that I caught) and uploaded this paper to Academia.edu if you care to join the discussion over there. Survey of the Historical Evolution of Weddings and Invitation Lettering… And a snarky tongue and check analysis of weddings. Continue reading Survey of the Historical Evolution of Weddings and Invitation Lettering

Why I Decided To Withdraw My Acceptance From Heartbreaking News from Hannah Dreyfus of ProPublica

More than a dozen women told ProPublica that Liberty University discouraged them from reporting sexual assaults.
by Hannah Dreyfus, for ProPublica

ProPublica is a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative newsroom. Continue reading Why I Decided To Withdraw My Acceptance From Heartbreaking News from Hannah Dreyfus of ProPublica